As a candidate for Governor, Willie recognizes the critical importance of ensuring that all Arkansans have access to high-quality healthcare services. However, the current Medicaid system, particularly the Provider-led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) system, has failed to adequately meet the needs of our most vulnerable populations. Willie is committed to reforming the Medicaid system to better serve individuals with developmental disabilities and other complex healthcare needs.

Background: The PASSE system was implemented by the Arkansas General Assembly to improve coordination and quality of care for Medicaid beneficiaries with complex needs. However, since its inception, the PASSE system has faced significant criticism and challenges. Many individuals with developmental disabilities and their families have experienced disruptions in services, difficulties accessing care, and inadequate support under the PASSE system.

Criticism of the PASSE System:

  1. Lack of Transparency: The PASSE system operates with limited transparency, making it difficult for beneficiaries and their families to understand how decisions are made and who is accountable for their care.
  2. Disruption of Services: Many individuals with developmental disabilities have experienced disruptions in services and changes in providers under the PASSE system, leading to uncertainty and instability in their care.
  3. Limited Choice and Control: The PASSE system restricts beneficiary choice and control by requiring them to receive services through managed care organizations, limiting their ability to choose their providers and determine their course of treatment.
  4. Provider Reimbursement Issues: Service providers, particularly those offering Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver services, have faced challenges with reimbursement rates and administrative burdens under the PASSE system, jeopardizing their ability to continue offering essential services.

Policy Proposal: On Day One, Willie will propose comprehensive reforms to address the shortcomings of the PASSE system and improve healthcare services for individuals with developmental disabilities:

  1. Dismantling the PASSE System:
    • As Governor, he will work to dismantle the PASSE system and transition to a more flexible and person-centered approach to Medicaid management.
    • he will freeze any funding allocated to the PASSE system and redirect it back to service providers who offer HCBS waiver services, ensuring that individuals with developmental disabilities have access to the care and support they need.
  2. Enhancing Provider Reimbursement and Support:
    • He will work with the Arkansas General Assembly to implement legislation that addresses provider reimbursement issues and reduces administrative burdens for service providers offering HCBS waiver services.
    • By ensuring fair and adequate reimbursement rates, we can stabilize the workforce and ensure continuity of care for individuals with developmental disabilities.
  3. Improving Accountability and Oversight:
    • He will establish clear accountability mechanisms and oversight processes to ensure that Medicaid funds are used efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of beneficiaries.
    • Transparency and stakeholder engagement will be prioritized to ensure that beneficiaries and their families have a voice in the decision-making process.

Part Two: Strengthening Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Policy Legislation

As Governor, he is committed to prioritizing the needs and rights of individuals with developmental disabilities. Building upon the reforms proposed in Part One, The Morris Administration will work diligently to enact legislative changes that empower individuals with disabilities and their families, enhance accessibility to services, and promote self-direction in their care.

Legislative Disability Targeted Goals:

  1. Increasing Funding for the Disabled Community:
    • Collaborating with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, we will advocate for increased funding for programs and services that support individuals with disabilities. This includes securing additional resources for HCBS waiver services, residential support, vocational training, and other essential needs.
  2. Reducing HCBS Waitlists:
    • Implementing measures to expedite the process of including more slots for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, thereby reducing waitlists and ensuring timely access to critical services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
  3. Transitioning to Consumer-Led System:
    • Initiating a shift from the provider-led system to a consumer-led model, where individuals with disabilities and their families have greater control over the management of their HCBS waiver services and Medicaid budgets. This empowerment will be facilitated through the establishment of a state-led commission comprised of individuals with disabilities, ensuring their voices are heard and respected in decision-making processes.
  4. Increasing Medicaid Funding for Healthcare Access:
    • Spearheading a statewide initiative to increase Medicaid funding for healthcare access, with a particular focus on ensuring accessibility in every county, regardless of size or location. This initiative will include investments in healthcare infrastructure, telemedicine, transportation services, and other resources to improve access to healthcare for individuals with disabilities across Arkansas.

Next Steps:

  1. Reviewing Funding Sources and Reshaping Managed Care Option:
    • Instructing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a thorough review of funding sources and reshape the Managed Care Option to prioritize self-direction and consumer-led policies. This will involve reallocating resources to support individual choice and control over Medicaid funding.
  2. Drafting and Advocating for Legislative Reforms:
    • Working closely with legislators to draft and advocate for legislative reforms that align with our disability-targeted goals. This may include introducing bills to increase funding, streamline HCBS waiver processes, and establish mechanisms for consumer-led management of services.
  3. Engaging Stakeholders and Building Coalitions:
    • Engaging stakeholders, including individuals with disabilities, families, advocacy organizations, healthcare providers, and legislators, to build coalitions in support of our policy agenda. Collaboration and consensus-building will be essential to achieve meaningful and sustainable reforms.

The Morris for Governor Campaign is committed to championing the rights and needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, ensuring they have the support and resources necessary to live full and independent lives. Through legislative action and collaborative efforts, we will create a more inclusive and equitable Arkansas for all.